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Rushall CE VA School

Our Curriculum 



 “With Christ we can step forward with courage to achieve beyond expectations”


Our curriculum values all learners and is underpinned by our Christian ethos of being courageous.


At Rushall School we aim for our children to:


  • Be inquisitive, reflective learners who have an enthusiasm for discovery and exploration.
  • Value their own well-being and have empathy for others.
  • Learn collaboratively to become robust and resilient members of our team.
  • Achieve and aspire: respond to high expectations and realise their full potential through hard work and determination.
  • Achieve at least the expected standard across the curriculum by the end of KS2 and be fully prepared for Secondary school.
  • Make a positive impact on the world in which they live, now and in the future
  • Celebrate and develop their own talents and interests in order that they flourish as individuals.
  • Be kind, compassionate and respectful; valuing difference in others.
  • Be courageous in their learning, understanding their limits and how to challenge themselves.




We provide a broad, balanced, contextual curriculum, which is rooted in high-expectations and relevance for all our pupils. 

We do this through:

  • Basing our content on the 2014 National Curriculum.
  • Integrating both our Christian values as well as spiritual, moral, social and cultural values into our teaching and learning.
  • Using our local area and community as a precious resource and adapting to the interests and needs of our learners, local, national and international events.
  • Using a themed two-year rolling programme in order to make purposeful links between previous, current and future learning.
  • Prioritising early reading enabling children to access the rest of the curriculum.
  • Use of effective questioning, retrieval practise, repetition of skills and low stake quizzes to ensure learning ‘sticks’ and becomes deeper.
  • Blocking or focussing on fewer subjects at times to reduce overload for both children and teachers.


We have a robust and systematic approach to monitoring the teaching and learning of our curriculum. This comes from rigorous assessment for learning, lesson visits, book scrutinies and discussions with pupils as well as analysis of our progress and attainment data. We can then adapt and respond to any changes necessary to ensure excellent progress and outcomes for every one of our pupils.

 Pupils leave Rushall C of E Primary with:

  • A secure understanding of our broad and balanced curriculum and a readiness for the challenges of their next school.
  • A resilience to change and challenge with an enthusiasm for life and all it has to offer.
  • A deep understanding of how to be spiritually, morally, socially and culturally responsible citizens and make positive contributions to the school and wider community.
  • A kind, compassionate and respectful attitude towards others.


We aim for the impact of our curriculum to be felt throughout our school community: by the children; the parents; our staff, Governors and the wider community.