Our School Lunches
We are able to offer healthy, hot lunches on a daily basis. All meals comply fully with the School Meals’ National Standards. Our school lunches work on a two week rotating menu. Your child can have a hot lunch every day, or just on selected days - just fill in the booking form and this will continue to be in place until a new menu is released . The cost of the meal is £2.50. Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM). Parents who pay for school lunches are invoiced on a monthly basis and payments are made via ParentPay. There is a facility for providing free school lunches for those on income support or other benefits. If required, please see further information below.
If your child is not having hot lunches, please provide them with a lunch box. Lunch boxes should not contain nuts, fizzy drinks or sweets. The Midday Supervisory Assistants, who cover the lunch times, will help your children open yoghurts etc. (please supply spoons).
From September 2014 ALL infant children, those in reception, year 1 and Year 2, are entitled to free school meals. However, if you are receiving qualifying benefits, the government will pay for your child to have a free hot lunch every day. For the school and your child to benefit from this money we need to know that you are receiving a qualifying benefit. If you are, please click on the link to access the Free School Meals service on the Wiltshire Council website. If you require help to complete the application, please contact the school and we will guide you through the process.
Lunch booking form
Rushall School Lunch Menus