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Rushall CE VA School

Our Uniform:

Wearing a smart uniform and PE kit is important to us at Rushall; the children wear it with pride to show we are all part of the same team. It helps to show visitors and other teams that we are ready for learning and playing! Please do come and see Kath in the office if you need any pieces of uniform – we have lots of excellent pre-loved uniform just waiting for a new home.

Main Uniform:

  • Rushall sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White plain polo shirt
  • plain grey style trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • black , grey or white socks / tights
  • plain black shoes (no trainers please)

Optional items:

  • grey school style shorts
  • red and white gingham summer dresses
  • Fleece—available to order through the school

 PE Kit:

  • House coloured t-shirt
  • Plain navy shorts/jogging bottoms
  • Sports trainers

Long hair should be tied back at all times and jewellery, accessories, make up and nail varnish are not permitted.

                                                                         Rushall School Uniform


 Rushall School PE Uniform



All new children receive a Rushall cap, water bottle and book bag.