Religious Education
As a church school, the teaching of Christianity is at the heart of our RE curriculum. In delivering the scheme of work for RE, teachers plan using the Emmanuel Project planning from the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. Central to all of the units is the concept of belief and getting to the heart of what really matters for millions of people of faith around the world today. Teachers can also use other resources such as the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource if appropriate.
The children learn to:
- Search for meaning and purpose in life by exploring beliefs and values
- Expand their knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other world faiths
- Honour and respect the beliefs and values of others
- Understand the similarities and differences between the religions studied and the associated customs
- Accept that religious difference is positive and brings diversity and energy to the world in which we live
- Relate and apply their learning to everyday life
- Explore their own and others’ religious, spiritual and philosophical convictions critically and responsibly.
Teaching in RE challenges stereotypes, misinformation and misconceptions about race, gender and religion. Lessons seek to present religions and worldviews in all their richness and diversity in terms of beliefs, traditions, customs and lifestyle in a sensitive and accurate way in order to encourage a positive attitude towards diversity. All questions, views, and opinions are treated with sensitivity and respect. The Emmanuel Project planning uses characters such as Tom and Tessa (who are practising Christians) to enable pupils to relate to their experiences.
Links with our Christian values and vision, and support for pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development are intrinsic to our RE curriculum and have a significant impact on learners.
Rushall School Collective Worship Policy 2024